
Tithes & Giving

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To Give, click the button or Text the word “give” to (925) 380-1303.

You can designate your gift as a Tithe or Offering, or towards something specific such as mexico missions, brother or sister in need, mission trip, Building fund, guest speaker, etc.


The Bible is big on tithing and giving. We say we believe God will provide for all our needs, but tithing is a way to put your faith to the test. Do you believe that God WILL provide for your needs in words or in action as well? In Malachi God tells the people to test Him by giving and see if He will not open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on them that they won’t even have room to receive! We have tested it out and it works and HE works for us! We have SO many testimonies in the church of God coming through on His promise! Tithing and giving is a good way to give back to God and watch Him give back to you! Come on Increase! Blessings on you as you give not to a pastor, or a church, but to the House of the Lord. HE blesses you with provision, stability and increase!

“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” Malachi 3:10


The 10% Tithe belongs to the House of the Lord, but an offering is above and beyond your tithe and comes from your heart in order to bless others and the work that God is doing. The offerings you give at TK go towards a number of things but here are a few of them: Helps provide supplies for the many outreaches TK does for the homeless and impoverished in both San Diego and Mexico; Supports missionaries in other countries to help them do the work of God; funds supplies for our TK Mission trips such as food, clothing, and books for street ministry and to give to other churches that the Lord leads us to minister to and help equip; Helps our brothers and sisters in need in the Church TK Body such as widows, orphans, and struggling families; goes towards the building fundraiser fund to help raise money for a permanent Building for Church TK so we can reach more people for the Lord.

(619) 415-9143

Sunday Service Time:
10:00AM & 6:00PM

930-1012 Derby St., San Diego, CA 92114