930-1012 Derby Street, San Diego 92114
Church Tsidkenu is really a place of REVIVAL, a place to Encounter the Presence and Power of God. At Tsidkenu, our goal is to facilitate a atmosphere through music, prayer and the un-censored Word of God where the presence and power of God can move in a strong and revival centered way!
All are invited, all are welcome! Come on Jesus!
Church Tsidkenu is really a place of REVIVAL, a place to Encounter the Presence and Power of God. At Tsidkenu, our goal is to facilitate a atmosphere through music, prayer and the un-censored Word of God where the presence and power of God can move in a strong and revival centered way!
All are invited, all are welcome! Come on Jesus!
We are a FAMILY and are here to equip believers to be the Joel 2 army that goes, grows, and glows for Jesus!
About Tsidkenu Church
Tsidkenu is a launchpad for personal, local and national revival and transformation. This transformation will be a lifestyle of intimate encounters with God and His Holy Spirit and a community being empowered to live a life full of love for others as well as regularly performing miracles, signs, and wonders as an introduction for the gospel. Mark 16:16.