
Fire Academy San Diego

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This option is for 5 monthly payments of $90 to pay off the full tuition balance of $450. All payments are NON-REFUNDABLE. 

$400/Single Payment- PIF

Save $50 by doing a Paid in Full before class begins. All payments are NON- REFUNDABLE *Read Below.

FA Kids- 1 Child- $50/month

FA Kids- 2 or more- $100/month

*Although we would love to charge nothing for the class and although our teachers choose not to get paid, we believe it’s important for students to have to give something for it, since where there is cost there is no value placed. Remember with the first disciples it cost them everything. Jesus said they had to leave everything and follow him:

Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me.” Mathew 19:21

Then Paul writes about teachers and preachers: “Elders who do their work well should be respected and paid well, especially those who work hard at both preaching and teaching.” 1 Timothy 5:17

Of course, with everything, there is also a practical cost to put on the school for each student, so our students are not not freezing outside in winter or roasting in Summer heat and then: books, building rents, out of town speakers, etc. Our teachers are purely excited to see the gospel preacher and each of our warriors EQUIPPED and choose not to get paid so all tuition goes to paying expenses and any money left over goes to missions and feeding the poor.

That being said, we have kept cost very low, especially compared to normal bible school or supernatural schools, to keep the entry barrier low.

The tuition cost is basically 90/month, so for 4.5 months its: 450 total. If you want to save some money by paying in full at the start, this also makes it easier on our billing and is better for commitment, so you save 50 and the price goes down to 400 total. Otherwise you can just do a payment plan of 90 monthly for 5 payments equaling 450.

We have alumni come back all the time as they can return free and retake it: students who have paid for the previous class and are returning to take it again to cover missed classes can attend with no tuition cost.

We want our students normally to work and believe God for the finances to do this class. But also, please let us know if financial assistance is needed, we love to help when there is genuine need. Don’t forget, your initial payment and application is due before the 1st week of class.

(619) 415-9143

Sunday Service Time:
10:00AM & 6:00PM

930-1012 Derby St., San Diego, CA 92114