
Tsidkenu Freedom Ministry

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If you are looking for freedom and healing from addictionsmental bondages, sickness, trauma, etc. then give Jesus a chance by signing up for a personal freedom session with one of our trained ministers! We believe Jesus wants to set you free from all bondage and heal the deep wounds in your heart, so that you can live the abundant life he died for you to have! He does this by breaking off lies and bringing the light of TRUTH into your heart! 

We have seen the Lord do so many miracles through this ministry. Addictions broken, anxiety and fear overcome, mental strongholds destroyed, joy and peace restored, trauma and pain healed, and so much more! Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty!

Fill out the Intake form below to have the opportunity to get scheduled for a freedom session with one of our trained Deliverance ministers. After submitting a form, our TK Admin will reach out about scheduling options within 3-5 business days. 

Meet our Freedom Ministry Team!

Our dedicated team members are passionate about serving the Body of Christ to receive spiritual and emotional freedom.

Meet our ministry team leaders below and discover why they are passionate about setting the captives free, and areas of ministry in which they each specialize. Each member brings a unique experience, empowered by the Holy Spirit,  to support you on your journey towards wholeness and restoration. Get to know us better as we walk alongside you in your pursuit of spiritual growth and liberation in Jesus name!

 *If you are a Tsidkenu Fire Academy Alumni and would like to find out more about how you can join the Freedom Ministry team, please email our ministry coordinator, Ben Flores, at

Heather Golovnya- “God has set me free from generational witchcraft, addiction, lust, and depression. I’m passionate about seeing men, women, and children set free from all types of bondage!”

Mikhail Golovnya- “God has delivered me from life-long anxiety and fear of death. He taught me the right way of looking at the world around me and provided true answers to all troubling questions. He gave my life purpose and filled me with boldness to serve Him no matter what!”

Ben Flores- “The two biggest things the Lord has delivered me from has been rejection and anger and it has dramatically changed my life. I want to see the Glory of God and see people get free from every weight and sin that could hinder them running their race.”

Michele Franklin- She is so passionate about inner healing and helping people come out of darkness, shame, and hiding and into the glory of God’s light. The Lord brought her out of hiding and now she stands in the light.

Zulma Bolanos- [Deliverance and inner healing] “The Lord delivered me from anxiety, depression, lust, religious spirits, witchcraft and so much more! I’m part of the Freedom ministry because I love to see others be set free from the lies of the enemy! Jesus came to set the captives free!

Cristina Manautou- “I’ve have been set free from Drug addiction, rejection, and many other things and I’m passionate to help others to be free and help them receive the true love of Jesus. He is the only way to be free!”

Art Montgomery has been setting people free for 30+ years through deliverance and the power of God. He burns with passion to crush Satan, break off witchcraft and generational curses, and cast out demons, so that people can walk in the fullness of their calling and be the champions God made them to be!

Hoori Khandani- “As someone who was raised Muslim, I have been set free from religious spirits, performance mentality, and perfectionism. Also, as a survivor of domestic violence, the Lord has healed me from trauma and helped me overcome codependency and the victim mentality.”

Tarissa Zalfen- “God has set me free from so much the last few years as I’ve been living my life fully for him! The big ones are freedom and deliverance from anxiety, depression, trauma, lust, pride, victim mentality and self loathing.”

Nancy Haig- “God has set me free from depression, rejection, fear, insecurity, bitterness and an orphan spirit. He has sent us to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.”

Kelly Gonzalez- “God set me free from a generational curse of death in my family. He set me free from mental and emotional bondage, which kept me in a victim state, instead of a VICTOR state. I am PASSIONATE about people getting their TRUE IDENTITY back.”

Dee Dee Summers- “I am thankful to have a relationship with God. God has showed up & Showed out in my life setting me free from trauma, doubt, fear and so many other things including myself! I’ve learned to let go and let God!”

Angie Marchena- “Jesus has set me free from the burden of people pleasing due to poor self esteem and the desire of acceptance and approval from others. I was uncertain of my identity in Christ but now I live my identity with confidence and no longer striving for validation. I’m passionate about helping others experience true Freedom in Christ so they can become all God created them to be, and they are no longer slaves to their past.” John 8:36

(619) 415-9143

Sunday Service Time:
10:00AM & 6:00PM

930-1012 Derby St., San Diego, CA 92114